Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Comic Books!! Comic Books!!! Comic Books!!!!

The Adventures of Tin Tin: The Calculus Affair

Tin Tin was of course the first comic book that caught my attention. It is a story I grew up with and was something a close friend of mine loved who recently passed. The tales of Tin Tin truly do captivate you, with its simplistic style, mystery-comedy-adventure driven story line, and bold selection of colors! Even though what drives the plot in this story wouldn’t be considered extravagant to most people, it is still very captivating. I plan on finishing up reading the comic; I’d like to find out the source that is causing objects to shatter.

The Vault of Horror # 36

Next I read The Vault of Horror, horror stories never cease to catch my attention and are one of my favorite genres in comics, graphic novels, and manga. While it didn’t stereo-typically play with common traits of horror, the strips themselves held a lot of captions as if to further convey the feelings of the characters such as the sweatiness from their palms, or a simile. Artistically, the comic book carries through with very nice ink work and was very detailed. I plan to use this as a source for inking techniques!

Carl Barks Paintings/ Uncle Scrooge in The Crown of The Mayas

I decided to look at both the general artwork of the Barks while reading one of his comics. It is definitely good to look further into a comic artist’s work! Similarly to Tin Tin, Carl’s works carried on a simplistic and colorful style and with the two created his own little ‘universe’. To be honest though I’ve never once during my childhood have never picked up a Donald Duck comic or watched Duck Tales. However I still can easily recognize these characters due to other cartoons they starred in. When reading I found the comic very humorous while it was making fun of itself to an extent. I guess you could say it broke the 4th wall in that aspect.

1 comment:

  1. Reading this post, I would say its a well thought out post regarding the readings that you have done and the observation is well spot on, in regards to Carl Banks Paintings and the uncle scrooge graphic novel. Having said that, i would also like to read a bit more in detail as to how it impacts you personally. As you mentioned in the post for Tin Tin that how its connects with you due something that happend to your close friend. I guess what I am trying to say is that a bit more in detail as how you connect to it.
